Meeting the town

“Aydan! Let’s go meet the town.”
“Okay! Where will we go?”
“You still need to work out.”
“The gym!”

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“You should talk to some people. Preferably women.”
“There are only creepy bulked up men here.”
“Yeah. Let’s head to the park after this.”

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“Hello! I’m Aydan.”
“Hey I’m Adalyn.”

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They talked for a while and Aydan found out that she worked as a doctor. Adalyn left a little bit later.

“Do I need to marry someone whose name starts with an A?”
“No. You don’t.”

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Aydan walked over to the stereo and started dancing. He was joined by Kaydence.

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“Hi! I’m Aydan.”

After a while Aydan got pretty hungry and walked outside to find food.
“So is she the one?”
“No. I just don’t–”
“You don’t need to make an excuse. Now let’s find some food.”

Aydan found an old woman in the back of the park who made some food.
“Do you mind if I take a plate?”
“No boy. Take.”11-29-15_2-29-24 PM
“Thank you ma’am.”
“Well mannered I see.”

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“I come here everyday you see. I make a plate of food for those who need it.”
“That is really nice of you.”
“It’s nothing really. I like to talk to people and mostly they don’t have anybody.”
“Wow. That is incredible.”
“My husband passed away a few years ago. So I don’t have anybody to talk to.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. He lived a long life. We had 3 kids together.”
“I’m sure they look beautiful.”
“Aren’t you a charmer. They were all adopted. 2 boys and 1 girl.”
“Do you never go to them? If you are here all day.”
“My oldest. Stella. She travels the world with her music. She’s rarely home. And my oldest son Julian isn’t really happy with visitors. He’s awake during the night, sleeping with women he never met before. It wouldn’t suprise me if I have a grandchild somewhere.”
“And your second son?”
“Christopher. He died when he was still very young. An unfortunate accident.”

Aydan wanted to ask how he died ,but he saw that the woman had a hard time not to cry.
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“That is why I do this. We had a hard time. Food wasn’t always ready on time. My husband was too sad to do anything and I coudn’t think about cooking. He wanted to be a cook later, you know. When I was cooking he would always sit behind me looking.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s nice to have someone to talk about this. Mostly people have problems themself.”
“You’re welcome.” *gasp* “I’m so rude I haven’t even asked your name yet!”
“Viviana. And what about you?”
“Christopher had the same blue dreamish eyes as you. Speaking of your eyes. What does a man as handsome as you do alone here in the park?”
“I’ve just moved here today.”
“Are you looking for a woman?”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
Aydan was suprised at how easily Viviana saw that.
“I want a family someday. I won’t meet someone at home.”
“If I may give you a tip. Find a friend first.”
“My husband and I met because of a friend of his. His friend came to me at the bar and we started talking. And suddenly I was married to him a couple of years later.”
“Wow. That is some good advice. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now I’ve got to head home. It was very nice talking to you Aydan.”
“It was nice talking to you ma’am.”
“Call me Viviana. Good luck with your life. I know it’s bad to say but I wish my children were more like you.”
“I’ll give you my number. You can talk to me everyday if you’d like.”
“I would like that.”
They switched numbers.

“Wow Watcher. Someone like her. That woman would be the one.”
“What do you mean exactly?”
“Nice, caring and fun to talk to.”
“Okay. Noted”
Aydan got a phone call
“Hello with Aydan.”
“Aydan! I’m Caiden. You don’t know me yet. But me and my wife Mathilda are your colleagues. We always take the new ones out for a night at the local bar.”
“You know where it is?”
“Can you come?”
Aydan reminded Viviana’s words
“Yes. I’ll be there soon.”
“See ya there!”

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“Do I need to wear this?”
“Yes. yes you do.”

Aydan walked inside and a man waved at him. He sat down at their table.

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The man was Caiden Garcia. He was a professional athlete. His wife Mathilda. She was sitting next to him. She was the woman with the short black hair. A common friend of them Justice Sweeney joined us. She was the woman with the black hair in the ponytail. I had an amazing night with these people.

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“I can see you made friends.”

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“You really aren’t a good cook, you know.”
“Yeah yeah.”

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“Not. A. Good. Cook.”

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“Extinguish yourself!”

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“You aren’t a good cook.”
“I know.”

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“I would like to take a shower now!”
“Let’s go to the gym then.”

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“I really don’t like you anymore.”

Aydan walked downstairs.
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“Hello! I’m Aydan!”
“I’m Zoe! Now where do I know you from?”
“I started a legacy. You might have seen me from that.”

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“You’re that legacy guy hmm?”

Zoe and Aydan really hit it off. Aydan told her about legacy life and Zoe told him that she lives with 3 male roommates.

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How he’s looking at her can only mean one thing.

Thank you for reading. What do you think about Zoe?




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